
Thoughts on reaching out to higher ups?

I like my job most days. It pays well and I have a good balance. Do I feel fulilled? No. I don't like how I feel like I am just another person in my department while doing a bunch more work because I get it. Last week I was grabbing at straws to find a balance within my company got validation and a suggestion to reach out to higherups. I now have a meeting with them. Do I tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth?

I like my job most days. It pays well and I have a good balance. Do I feel fulilled? No. I don't like how I feel like I am just another person in my department while doing a bunch more work because I get it. Last week I was grabbing at straws to find a balance within my company got validation and a suggestion to reach out to higherups. I now have a meeting with them. Do I tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth?

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