
Thoughts on sharing tip information with co-workers?

I'm all for sharing pay information like many people here. But what about in fields where most of the pay comes from tips? Some of us make very different amounts based on how fast we are, how much the customers like us, what shift we're on, and women make more. Should we be freely sharing this information within the company, or with people who work elsewhere in the same industry? What about with customers who ask? Most of us tend to be tight lipped about how much we make but I don't know exactly why. I'm a poker dealer if it matters. Pay difference can be drastic – I'm literally making twice what someone else on my shift makes because she's so slow. Even good dealers can make less than her if it's a bad room to work in, while some make a lot more than I do.

I'm all for sharing pay information like many people here. But what about in fields where most of the pay comes from tips? Some of us make very different amounts based on how fast we are, how much the customers like us, what shift we're on, and women make more.

Should we be freely sharing this information within the company, or with people who work elsewhere in the same industry? What about with customers who ask? Most of us tend to be tight lipped about how much we make but I don't know exactly why.

I'm a poker dealer if it matters. Pay difference can be drastic – I'm literally making twice what someone else on my shift makes because she's so slow. Even good dealers can make less than her if it's a bad room to work in, while some make a lot more than I do.

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