
Thoughts on the state of tech/mass layoffs

So I am seeing so many articles about the large amount of layoffs in tech and I have thoughts and questions. For the last two years there has been a HUGE push and pressure to “pivot” to tech jobs due to the fact they normally pay more and have better benefits/flexibility. Especially hybrid or WFH flexibility. I have seen so many people marketing “boot camps” and “courses” even resume tailoring just to get people in the door. I will not lie I was tempted as I currently work public sector and pay is….it leaves to be desired. But my benefits and job security are pretty solid. What do you think is driving the large amount of layoffs? Is it offshore pushing as I have seen a couple of Reddit posts about big tech jobs moving to China or other countries for the lower wage demands (much like was done with…

So I am seeing so many articles about the large amount of layoffs in tech and I have thoughts and questions.

For the last two years there has been a HUGE push and pressure to “pivot” to tech jobs due to the fact they normally pay more and have better benefits/flexibility. Especially hybrid or WFH flexibility.

I have seen so many people marketing “boot camps” and “courses” even resume tailoring just to get people in the door. I will not lie I was tempted as I currently work public sector and pay is….it leaves to be desired. But my benefits and job security are pretty solid.

What do you think is driving the large amount of layoffs? Is it offshore pushing as I have seen a couple of Reddit posts about big tech jobs moving to China or other countries for the lower wage demands (much like was done with factory/manufacturing jobs in previous years) Is it just poor upper management? I keep seeing articles and Linked In posts from high ups at companies essentially shaming “spoiled” workers for demanding wages that one can live on. (Which we all know is the bare minimum)

But there is a part of my brain that the optics of people making videos and talking about how they trick the company into thinking they are busy when they are not (mouse movers etc) could not have helped their case that their job is needed. (Even though we know most jobs can be done in a fraction of the time and people should not be forced to look busy to maintain employment because that'd stupid) abut older heads at these companies may not agree and see it as a good excuse to lay off.

I have also recently talked to an older friend of the family who worked in a factory job until it was moved offshore and he was more than a little upset that the workers in tech who tend to come from more educated backgrounds are being told it will all be okay when he and his former coworkers were told to “move on” and “learn more relevant skills” and were not afforded what he perceives as sympathy by the media. But instead were colored as “overpaid one trick ponies” even though I tried to explain that a lot of that is just reporters needing stories and that workers are slowly getting better at building solidarity.

Again there's a part of me that can't help but feel like he has a point to an extent. Many positions in tech were seen as “cushy” compared to a lot of other industries but anyone in the industry knows it is a lot. The cushiness is just because most of American work culture is complete trash so companies offering any kind of flexibility is refreshing.

I applied for a job at a tech startup but ultimately did not get it. I tried to look on the brightside that my government job is pretty much stable and in a program that will not likely be cut anytime soon. But I can't help but feel horrible for some former coworkers and colleagues who “pivoted” and are now struggling to find new jobs in a market that is not as favorable. But I can also understand my family friends grievances.

I'm just looking to start conversation and see what everyone's thoughts are.

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