
Through his charity Bill Gates has improved more lives than almost anyone else in world history…

He has also harmed more lives than almost anyone else in world history. ​ If you are weighing up his deeds to assess if the good outweighs the bad, you have fallen into their trap and they have already won. The question is not to his moral character, but why does he have the power: The power to dictate that publically developed COVID vaccines should be owned by private corporations at great expense to poor nations. The power to funnel resources into eradicating the poliovirus at the expense of other possibly more immediate diseases. The power to on a whim give $50,000,000.00 to Dementia research. ​ Why should this man get to dictate where billions of man-hours of labor are spent. Why should thousands of lifetime's worth of work be performed at his behest. He is not elected, he was not ordained by god, nobody voted for him. Because he…

He has also harmed more lives than almost anyone else in world history.

If you are weighing up his deeds to assess if the good outweighs the bad, you have fallen into their trap and they have already won.

The question is not to his moral character, but why does he have the power:

  • The power to dictate that publically developed COVID vaccines should be owned by private corporations at great expense to poor nations.

  • The power to funnel resources into eradicating the poliovirus at the expense of other possibly more immediate diseases.

  • The power to on a whim give $50,000,000.00 to Dementia research.

Why should this man get to dictate where billions of man-hours of labor are spent.
Why should thousands of lifetime's worth of work be performed at his behest.
He is not elected, he was not ordained by god, nobody voted for him.

Because he was good at writing computer programmes in the 80's?
he wasn't even that good.
Because he was good at getting people to pay for those programmes?
They were mainly written by other people.

We have a system that grants limitless power and resources to those that own and operate companies and none to the rest of us.

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