
Throw that application in the trash

Growing up, we were always told that after submitting an application, it's a good idea to call the employer to follow up. It supposedly shows that you're a go getter. I always did this until my friend who was a manager at Pizza Hut (and several other fast food places over the years) told me that when someone called to follow up, their application when straight to the trash bin. Does anyone still do this? Thinking about this since I just had a job interview on Wednesday and am really anxious to hear back.

Growing up, we were always told that after submitting an application, it's a good idea to call the employer to follow up. It supposedly shows that you're a go getter. I always did this until my friend who was a manager at Pizza Hut (and several other fast food places over the years) told me that when someone called to follow up, their application when straight to the trash bin. Does anyone still do this? Thinking about this since I just had a job interview on Wednesday and am really anxious to hear back.

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