
Throwaway account. I work at Goodwill as a retail Generalist, meaning I can do the work of several people by doing any department. I recently found out the assistant manager may be the one who’s capping my pay to only 40 hours, and I don’t like how they treat me. How do I have the system benefit me?

I know that I can get a better job, yet there's not a lot of places that would hire me and applying to jobs has been demoralizing. I have applied for different positions at other Goodwill stores, but that doesn't really solve anything and I may as well leave Goodwill entirely since their wages are anti-competitive. I know that it's a charitable organization, but I feel like the people in charge of the store that I work at are out of touch with their workers. Unionizing a store feels difficult and I may have private investigators hired to dig dirt on anyone who is a union leader or organizer. Goodwill definitely has a toxic quota to meet for the people that work in production. As of about 1 month ago, every department from electronics to wares was given a larger quota. Eventually, every base level associate will get a raise,…

I know that I can get a better job, yet there's not a lot of places that would hire me and applying to jobs has been demoralizing. I have applied for different positions at other Goodwill stores, but that doesn't really solve anything and I may as well leave Goodwill entirely since their wages are anti-competitive. I know that it's a charitable organization, but I feel like the people in charge of the store that I work at are out of touch with their workers. Unionizing a store feels difficult and I may have private investigators hired to dig dirt on anyone who is a union leader or organizer. Goodwill definitely has a toxic quota to meet for the people that work in production. As of about 1 month ago, every department from electronics to wares was given a larger quota. Eventually, every base level associate will get a raise, but it's far from enough to combat against inflation.

Just to add fuel to this post: Millions of people are going to inevitably suffer in the future because climate change has been proven to be unstoppable. I feel like nothing I do today won't really matter 10 to 20 years from now if there's going to be a widespread famine, so I'm nearly throwing caution to the wind. I'm willing to be creative so that I don't suffer near my middle life. I mean… the time I'm living in now may be my middle life.

So how can I bend the system to my will? I'm decent with computers, maybe I can load a keylogger onto someone's computer? I don't really want to steal obvious things because the people in management can easily review camera footage. I do want to do something that would make up for inflation and boomers for management without causing harm to anyone. I know how this post sounds reading it aloud inside my head, but I'm being serious. I would really appreciate anyone's advice in the comments.

Continued: Forget about the keylogger, it was a pointless suggestion and it doesn't represent what I stand for. I just want enough answers to form an opinion, that's all. I want to reiterate that I didn't decide to make a throwaway just so that I can hurt people in real life. If you met me in real life, I'm not as insane as I may come off as in this thread. I just want something to work with.

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