
Ticked off about my raise

Not even sure if this is the appropriate sub to post something like this in so if not lmk please. I work at a certain large name successful company in my field. I'm I'm school at the moment and took a pay cut to work at this company simply so that I could have them on my resume and get the real work experience. I was getting paid $16.00 for work that I would say is at minimum worth $18-$20 if you pulled some guy off the street with absolutely no experience. However I already did have experience and i knew what I was doing (not that I know everything, but I absolutely know enough and have the skills to do the job well) My 3 month evaluation just happened and I've been told by all my coworkers that the 3 month raise is always a lot more than usual…

Not even sure if this is the appropriate sub to post something like this in so if not lmk please.

I work at a certain large name successful company in my field. I'm I'm school at the moment and took a pay cut to work at this company simply so that I could have them on my resume and get the real work experience.

I was getting paid $16.00 for work that I would say is at minimum worth $18-$20 if you pulled some guy off the street with absolutely no experience. However I already did have experience and i knew what I was doing (not that I know everything, but I absolutely know enough and have the skills to do the job well)

My 3 month evaluation just happened and I've been told by all my coworkers that the 3 month raise is always a lot more than usual and is usually a few dollar increase because they know you're actually in it and not someone who's just gonna leave after a couple weeks.

I spoke with both my foreman and they told me that I've been doing a great job, learn quick and produce really good work, and they appreciate how I get everything done after hours so they're ready to pick up again in the morning. I asked if I had anything I needed to improve and they told me I didn't really and that I've been doing a great job and asked if I had any questions. So I asked about getting to do some more advanced work that I do already know how to do and about when I was gonna be able to get trained on something that I volunteered to pick up a few weeks prior because the old guy that used to do it quit and no one was willing to do it. (They had told me that if I learned this I would make even more money) and they told me I'd be able to learn in a few months when they need it done again.

They then told me my raise, 50 cents. The raise that was supposed to be my biggest after being told how great I've been doing is 50 cents. The job I'm already getting vastly underpaid for is still underpaid.

They asked if I agreed w the raise and I told them honestly no, I've been told the 3 month raise is usually a few dollars and even a classmate who started the same time and with the same wage got a $2.00 raise in a different dept there doing extremely similar work. They then told me I could get more money after I learn the other thing in a few months (which was supposed to be in addition to my 3 month raise. Not a way of balancing it out)

They went on to talk about how if I ever get bored or am not satisfied with my job to talk to them and they'll make sure I get more interesting stuff to do and how they dont wabt me to leave after i graduate and Yada Yada.

I was already strongly considering working at another place once I graduate this year. That I do have the skills for and would also be able to learn and improve my overall skills in the field, while also making $30.00 and getting all my tools and ppe provided to me by the company instead if using my own.

This is mostly a pissed off rant but that whole interaction just left a sour taste in my mouth especially when there's no good or justifiable reason for the insulting raise.

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