
TIL about loud leaving, which apparently is common practice in Sweden and which means people shall leave on time without doing overtime

Today I learned about loud leaving. In Sweden employees and especially managers leave loud, which means they communicate about leaving on time. Employees shall leave on time, overtime isn’t something to be proud of. If overtime becomes necessary, employees have to face questions like what’s the reason they couldn’t finish their tasks on time or whether they need more help. Apparently it’s also something families and especially women benefit from, as it makes it way easier to balance work and life. I‘m sure there are still employers in Sweden who don’t practice this, however I wonder why this isn’t a bigger thing outside of Sweden. I only heard about it today and thought this has to be seen by more people.

Today I learned about loud leaving. In Sweden employees and especially managers leave loud, which means they communicate about leaving on time. Employees shall leave on time, overtime isn’t something to be proud of. If overtime becomes necessary, employees have to face questions like what’s the reason they couldn’t finish their tasks on time or whether they need more help. Apparently it’s also something families and especially women benefit from, as it makes it way easier to balance work and life.

I‘m sure there are still employers in Sweden who don’t practice this, however I wonder why this isn’t a bigger thing outside of Sweden. I only heard about it today and thought this has to be seen by more people.

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