
Time for a change

I'm done. I've reached my limit. I can't take this job anymore, and it's depriving me of my mental health. I'm sick of getting paid way below what I should be. For the amount of work I do and the stress I get put under, to always deliver on time and with good quality levels, the salary is a shamefully low. I'm sick of the high turnover rate. It feels like there's new groups of people joining the team every 2 or so months, and we can't keep anyone around for long enough, so we're almost constantly having to answer questions to the new staff. The training is long and chock-full of useless and outdated information that doesn't seem to be corrected. If anyone from senior management cared about employee wellbeing enough to keep people around and happy, this situation wouldn't have happened. I'm sick of always being short staffed.…

I'm done. I've reached my limit. I can't take this job anymore, and it's depriving me of my mental health.

I'm sick of getting paid way below what I should be.
For the amount of work I do and the stress I get put under, to always deliver on time and with good quality levels, the salary is a shamefully low.

I'm sick of the high turnover rate.
It feels like there's new groups of people joining the team every 2 or so months, and we can't keep anyone around for long enough, so we're almost constantly having to answer questions to the new staff.
The training is long and chock-full of useless and outdated information that doesn't seem to be corrected. If anyone from senior management cared about employee wellbeing enough to keep people around and happy, this situation wouldn't have happened.

I'm sick of always being short staffed.
Recently, 2 other supervisors left the company & team altogether to focus on their own projects, and we've had 1 replacement since, who's still a rookie with barely 2 weeks experience on the phones join us in the supervisor squad. How did this happen, you might ask? Nepotism.

I'm sick of feeling like nobody cares about my wellbeing in the workplace.
We've heard this corporate spiel coming from HR from when I started, just under 2 years ago almost, and even when we did get a survey asking for feedback and how the conditions could improve, our feedback was completely ignored. Shock horror, eh?

Initially, I wasn't for going back to the office, then thought about it and realised it wouldn't be the worst thing, and now this.
If I had to deal with this kind of environment on a daily basis, I'd probably quit before the end of my first week there.

So there we are. I've finally had enough.
I'm looking for jobs elsewhere, and in the coming 2 months or so I'll be moving further north in the country to live with friends and have a blast for a few months, maybe even a year.

Thank you antiwork folks for opening my eyes to what good working conditions & healthy life-work balances should be like. I can't wait to leave this call centre behind and have a change of scenery for a while with some good mates.

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