
Time on the clock?

USA, NY. So for the most part my job has been decidedly free of most corporate shenanigans… Until we got a new plant manager. Blanket punishments for the entire plant that he thinks are going to convince a couple of the problem children to actually do something. We have a meeting tomorrow where some of his new policies are to be rolled out. Some of them are potentially flagrant violations of federal law. One in particular is going to be lockers, where in they want us to put personal affects in lockers. My thing is, if I'm required to go out of my way to use this locker that they're requiring me to use, shouldn't that be time compensated? I.e. If it takes me five minutes to get from my locker to my work area, I feel like I should be compensated for that time if I'm being required to…

USA, NY. So for the most part my job has been decidedly free of most corporate shenanigans… Until we got a new plant manager. Blanket punishments for the entire plant that he thinks are going to convince a couple of the problem children to actually do something. We have a meeting tomorrow where some of his new policies are to be rolled out. Some of them are potentially flagrant violations of federal law. One in particular is going to be lockers, where in they want us to put personal affects in lockers. My thing is, if I'm required to go out of my way to use this locker that they're requiring me to use, shouldn't that be time compensated? I.e. If it takes me five minutes to get from my locker to my work area, I feel like I should be compensated for that time if I'm being required to use said locker.

There's plenty of violations already in place that labor board would have a field day with, but I haven't much cared to say anything due to a decidedly laid back attitude on management's part. That'll probably be changing in the new year.

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