
Tip stealing

I’m a server and this new busser was stealing tips all day from me and my 3 coworkers. We don’t have any physical proof (cameras, visual sightings, etc) so the managers are doing nothing about it. My coworkers and I both saw money on our tables multiple times and the busser came up and cleaned the table and the money was gone. It was Mother’s Day and I had 37 tables all day and only 4 of them gave me cash (it’s usually 50/50 on cash and card) and those 4 tables had physically handed me the money, so all day not a single table left me cash on the table. And I usually come home with $20-$30 in singles but I only had 1 single $1 bill. We can also see on our side the tips and I had 16 tables that “didn’t tip”. This happened to 3 other…

I’m a server and this new busser was stealing tips all day from me and my 3 coworkers. We don’t have any physical proof (cameras, visual sightings, etc) so the managers are doing nothing about it.

My coworkers and I both saw money on our tables multiple times and the busser came up and cleaned the table and the money was gone. It was Mother’s Day and I had 37 tables all day and only 4 of them gave me cash (it’s usually 50/50 on cash and card) and those 4 tables had physically handed me the money, so all day not a single table left me cash on the table. And I usually come home with $20-$30 in singles but I only had 1 single $1 bill. We can also see on our side the tips and I had 16 tables that “didn’t tip”. This happened to 3 other people and my managers did absolutely nothing except put them in the dish room instead of it the dining room. I quit yesterday because of it.

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