
Tips in tip jar going towards “staff party”?

I used to work a bar in Australia, which like most bars, has a tip jar. However, the tips weren’t pooled or anything, but instead went towards our Christmas staff party. The thing is the staff party was in February instead of Christmas time, because it was less busy (i quit in December so i never reaped the benefits of this staff party). In New Zealand, my partner worked at a place that followed the same model. I also worked at a cafe there which pooled the tips once a year. My question is, is any of this legal?? If not, what should/could i do about it? Every time i gave great service and saw someone put a tip in the jar, i cried inside, knowing i would never get it lol

I used to work a bar in Australia, which like most bars, has a tip jar. However, the tips weren’t pooled or anything, but instead went towards our Christmas staff party. The thing is the staff party was in February instead of Christmas time, because it was less busy (i quit in December so i never reaped the benefits of this staff party). In New Zealand, my partner worked at a place that followed the same model. I also worked at a cafe there which pooled the tips once a year.

My question is, is any of this legal?? If not, what should/could i do about it? Every time i gave great service and saw someone put a tip in the jar, i cried inside, knowing i would never get it lol

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