
Tips? New Hire Made $10k More Than Me

A new hire was brought on back in November to help me and our team. They had four years experience in a somewhat related field doing work that is related to what we do but not directly. They also claimed to have some experience with GIS mapping programs I and others use daily, though they've needed constant help with the most basic GIS tasks that have mostly fallen on me to help and train them with. Turns out we were talking about pay the other day and I found out they were offered $62k starting, while at the time I was only making $52k. Since then I've gotten a raise to $56k, so still significantly less than them, even though I have three years experience with this company and have been regularly training and assisting them since they started. I'm guessing they were able to negotiate for more because they…

A new hire was brought on back in November to help me and our team. They had four years experience in a somewhat related field doing work that is related to what we do but not directly. They also claimed to have some experience with GIS mapping programs I and others use daily, though they've needed constant help with the most basic GIS tasks that have mostly fallen on me to help and train them with.

Turns out we were talking about pay the other day and I found out they were offered $62k starting, while at the time I was only making $52k. Since then I've gotten a raise to $56k, so still significantly less than them, even though I have three years experience with this company and have been regularly training and assisting them since they started. I'm guessing they were able to negotiate for more because they had some years of work experience and I'm happy for them but it's clear I'm more experienced in the work we actually do and I am clearly undervalued by the company. Any tips on how I should address this? I really enjoy working with my colleagues, the work environment, the work itself, our schedules and work from home.

I don't want to quit, I want to politely demand a raise, but I'm not sure if I should go to my supervisor who has always gone to bat for me. I don't think he is involved with raises other than providing a performance review to our President/HR so maybe he isn't aware of the pay disparity and would support me. Alternatively, I could try talking directly to the President. Idk how best to handle this, I'm just pissed.

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