
Tips on how to stick out at a job that I have absolutely no interest in.

So, I am a recent college grad (F21) and have been working for almost 4 months now. Its a corporate job. Pay is goooood and the people are nice. I have an engineering degree and I took this job because this was the first offer I got and overall the job description was not so bad. I also had student loans to pay for and just had to make some money cause I was almost homeless during my undergrad years so I did not wanted to reject this offer and risk it. This job seemed like a FinTech job (Finance and Tech) so I was like lets do this, it should not be so bad. This job has made me miserable. Its not my manger, its not the company culture, its not the people, its the JOB itself. Its not at all related to tech, its a lot of boring…

So, I am a recent college grad (F21) and have been working for almost 4 months now. Its a corporate job. Pay is goooood and the people are nice. I have an engineering degree and I took this job because this was the first offer I got and overall the job description was not so bad. I also had student loans to pay for and just had to make some money cause I was almost homeless during my undergrad years so I did not wanted to reject this offer and risk it. This job seemed like a FinTech job (Finance and Tech) so I was like lets do this, it should not be so bad.

This job has made me miserable. Its not my manger, its not the company culture, its not the people, its the JOB itself. Its not at all related to tech, its a lot of boring finance stuff. Everyday I dread opening my laptop and cry at least 5 times a week. Nothing makes sense. And its so boring that I don’t even have any motivation to learn because I am simply not interested.

However, I recognize that its too soon to quit. I should stick this out for at-least an year. But I am afraid that I can even work for an year without being depressed/suicidal (yes it has gotten that bad).

I am currently in grad school pursuing MS In Cyber Security (what i am actually passionate in), so I have some hopes there. But I don’t know what to do at this moment.


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