
Tips on recording 1 on 1 conversations with your boss (In Canada)

Not 100% sure if this belongs here or not, but my manager can be a bit shady with how they go about running the branch store I work at. In the near future I'm going to be leaving my current workplace, and I'm deeply considering recording my conversation of giving my 2 weeks notice. Just in case there is any kind of blackmail or emotional abuse my manager tries to use, (Which she has been shown to do at times, abeit very subtly) I was wondering if anyone here has some positive or negative experiences in doing so, the outcome of it and any kind of aftermath that may have followed with it. For reference I am legally employed at my job, and without giving any more personal detail it is a big company internationally.

Not 100% sure if this belongs here or not, but my manager can be a bit shady with how they go about running the branch store I work at. In the near future I'm going to be leaving my current workplace, and I'm deeply considering recording my conversation of giving my 2 weeks notice. Just in case there is any kind of blackmail or emotional abuse my manager tries to use, (Which she has been shown to do at times, abeit very subtly) I was wondering if anyone here has some positive or negative experiences in doing so, the outcome of it and any kind of aftermath that may have followed with it.

For reference I am legally employed at my job, and without giving any more personal detail it is a big company internationally.

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