
Tired of being pressured to contribute to a system that the top 1% profit from, while we slave for pennies.

I have a physical disability that makes most jobs extremely difficult, if not impossible. Despite this, I still managed to get a few years of wage caging in after I graduated high school. I did landscaping, retail, a couple restaurants; and every single job, I left with the same thought in my head at the end of the day: ​ If I have to do this for the rest of my life, I'll just kill myself right now. ​ Just watching my life drain away, while I make pizzas for some insufferable old lady, or planting hydrangeas on some rich retirees estate for $12 an hour while I watch him take off in his plane from his HANGAR. The frivolous, wasteful reality many wealthy people live in, is just so detached from the average working class life. I'm not saying capitalism is the problem; hell compared to communist countries we…

I have a physical disability that makes most jobs extremely difficult, if not impossible. Despite this, I still managed to get a few years of wage caging in after I graduated high school. I did landscaping, retail, a couple restaurants; and every single job, I left with the same thought in my head at the end of the day:

If I have to do this for the rest of my life, I'll just kill myself right now.

Just watching my life drain away, while I make pizzas for some insufferable old lady, or planting hydrangeas on some rich retirees estate for $12 an hour while I watch him take off in his plane from his HANGAR. The frivolous, wasteful reality many wealthy people live in, is just so detached from the average working class life. I'm not saying capitalism is the problem; hell compared to communist countries we are miles ahead. But mark my words, eventually there WILL be an uprising if this continues. It's going to be class warfare in which the wealthy are FAR outnumbered. Let's hope it doesn't get to that point, but I'd rather give my life for a worthy cause, than to contribute to this RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE OF SHIT we call post industrial society. Sorry. I may have had a couple drinks and needed to vent the pure abhorrence I have for our systematically cruel society.

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