
tired of being treated like a guinea pig at work

I dont think this is the right subreddit to be posting in, so redirect me as needed and thanks in advance. If you have some advice on how to handle this (other than quitting), I'm all ears. Also I apologize in advanced if this is all over the place, I do struggle organizing my thoughts as I write…I love my job, I get to work with animals all day (pet boarding) and I'm passionate about them, however the people I work with make it almost unbearable. (what else is new?)My job mainly hires younger people fresh out of high school, which I dont have a problem with, but a lot of them are lazy and want to stand around and talk all day which I do have a problem with. They fight over who does what cause they dont want to do it and it always ends up being me…

I dont think this is the right subreddit to be posting in, so redirect me as needed and thanks in advance. If you have some advice on how to handle this (other than quitting), I'm all ears. Also I apologize in advanced if this is all over the place, I do struggle organizing my thoughts as I write…I love my job, I get to work with animals all day (pet boarding) and I'm passionate about them, however the people I work with make it almost unbearable. (what else is new?)My job mainly hires younger people fresh out of high school, which I dont have a problem with, but a lot of them are lazy and want to stand around and talk all day which I do have a problem with. They fight over who does what cause they dont want to do it and it always ends up being me who has to pick up everyones slack. (before you say “just dont do it” I tried doing that before, and got in trouble)My previous manager was pregnant and is currently on maternity leave. She was extremely petty and got mad at me because I asked her why she didn't give me my requested days off when I put them in on time, and blamed it on me saying I didn't turn them in on time. This resulted in me working a 9 day work week, where she scheduled me to work by myself (usually there is at least 2-3 people per shift) as a closer during a holiday week, where we were fully booked. Closing is extremely time consuming and very physical esp with dogs yanking you around everywhere when taking them on back to back walks, up to 60+ dogs. (This can take around 4 hrs to complete). Its not meant for one person. I should also mention I'm pretty tiny too.Well, as you could probably imagine this resulted in a back injury. I was out of work for 7 weeks with a bulged disc in my lower spine. It is still healing, and I am currently back at work with restrictions. I did not get paid during my leave, so I had no choice but to go back because my savings is gone.I talked with the new manager before I even came back (who was one of our team leads prior) and told her to avoid putting me on closing shifts. She agreed to this, so I was pretty confident about coming back, thinking things would be different.My first day scheduled back, I was supposed to work an overnight shift (which is mostly cleaning) but that got messed up cause someone called off, and I ended up closing. Fine. I understand, it happens.2nd day back was fine.My first day off, I get called in on the closing shift again, because somebody called off. I was pretty irritated but went in bc that meant the dogs were not going to be taken care of. I was scheduled for the next day but asked to take it off because my back was hurting again after closing. (I also reminded her again to please not put me on closings, especially not by myself.)Today was my 4th day back and she has me on yet another close. I come in and check the new schedule and she has me on back to backs closings, working by myself, ***while I am on restrictions.***I seen it, and seen everybody else goofing around, not doing their work (because guess who's back to do it?) and I ran to the bathroom I was so angry I was in tears. I couldn't even control my tears during the group play with the dogs, and struggled to give them my full attention.I have been vocal about my condition, and I've also been extremely vocal about people not doing their jobs before I went on leave.And my manager just comes up to me and says “if you don't tell us we can't fix it”I dont even know what to say anymore…I shouldn't even have to ask for accommodations given the multiple doctors notes says it all. And what angers me the most is they have no problem accommodating everybody else.I've dealt with crappy coworkers and managers before but I have honestly never felt so disrespected in all of my time working. I shouldn't have to beg for accommodations, they should of been done right from the start. Now I'm in tears. I am angry, and Im so tired.

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