
Tired of being treated like shit for simply being more of an introvert than others.

After 1 year at my job i asked for more money. Seemed reasonable as I had gotten glowing praise all year and worked my ass off to get the company a million dollar contract. I was told to “work on my communication” whatever that means. It was never an issue until I asked for more money. Kept working, minding my business getting my work done thought all was well. 6 weeks later get a demotion because I'm “unapproachable” Not one word of this was ever told to me. No one ever mentioned they had any issues with me. I'm sitting there dumbfounded as they tell me this. When I told coworkers what happened they were just as confused. I'm tired of being treated like garbage by bosses just because I keep more to myself but am still polite and cheerful if anyone needs anything from me or asks me for…

After 1 year at my job i asked for more money. Seemed reasonable as I had gotten glowing praise all year and worked my ass off to get the company a million dollar contract. I was told to “work on my communication” whatever that means. It was never an issue until I asked for more money.

Kept working, minding my business getting my work done thought all was well. 6 weeks later get a demotion because I'm “unapproachable”

Not one word of this was ever told to me. No one ever mentioned they had any issues with me. I'm sitting there dumbfounded as they tell me this. When I told coworkers what happened they were just as confused.

I'm tired of being treated like garbage by bosses just because I keep more to myself but am still polite and cheerful if anyone needs anything from me or asks me for something. Why is minding your business and doing your work treated like a bad thing? I'm literally just here existing. Sorry I'm not an ass kisser but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong or bad either.

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