
Tired of people seeing work as an identity.

Background: I have been severely backstabbed and screwed over at my work so I quit. My job agency admitted I was screwed over, so they are looking for a new job for me, while I receive my full wages as compensation (they could have prevented this but my contact person did nothing, so that's why) I have this perk till January 23. No job has hired me yet, and since I have an upcoming surgery in October, they probably will not hire me as nobody will want an employee on sick leave during probation. I'm just so fking tired of my family thinking that my fucking job is my identity. My meaningless office job has nothing to do with my personal interests/hobbies and was just there because it paid good. Why I don't have a job that's interesting to me? Because my parents forced me into a degree that I…

Background: I have been severely backstabbed and screwed over at my work so I quit. My job agency admitted I was screwed over, so they are looking for a new job for me, while I receive my full wages as compensation (they could have prevented this but my contact person did nothing, so that's why) I have this perk till January 23. No job has hired me yet, and since I have an upcoming surgery in October, they probably will not hire me as nobody will want an employee on sick leave during probation.

I'm just so fking tired of my family thinking that my fucking job is my identity. My meaningless office job has nothing to do with my personal interests/hobbies and was just there because it paid good. Why I don't have a job that's interesting to me? Because my parents forced me into a degree that I abandoned and now would have been useless anyway (Russian studies, because RUSSIA IS THE FUTURE and it will be the next big economic hit).

It has barely been a month since I'm jobless (but not income-less) and I have already been asked 5 times by my family about “when am I getting a job”…. along with the backstab, I had a severe case of boreout and depression due to my job not allowing me to pursue any hobbies, so I also needed recovery. Do you think they ask about any of that? NOPE! Always lectures about jobs, about how I am nobody without a job, job job job, work work work. I've been chosen as a model for some things and earning a little money on the side so it's not like I'm watching netflix and binging chips all day, but do you think they care?

I'm 29, been working years in different jobs with 6 day work weeks because my family never helped me (I ain't saying they are obligated, I just see other families and how easy their kids have it because THEY GET HELP, even with less fortunate backgrounds) but I evidently I can't pursue my interests and can't take a month's rest because I am now a jobless nobody.


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