
Tired of recruiters contacting you about seemingly random positions?

I am, and I think I've finally found a way of dealing with them. Just ask what specifically in your resume/profile/etc. prompted them to call you. I've recently rejoined the job market and have been getting calls for jobs that seem to have nothing to do with my job preferences, no matter how much I refine my resume and profiles. The other day I decided I was sick of it and I simply asked the recruiter why they thought I was right for the job. They were speechless and then thanked me for my time and ended the call. I tried it again with another recruiter, and they said “your resume states that you have 5 years experience with Excel”. Next recruiter: “your profile mentions that you have experience with (insert software I haven't used since college)”. I guess the most legitimate answer I've gotten recently was that I had…

I am, and I think I've finally found a way of dealing with them. Just ask what specifically in your resume/profile/etc. prompted them to call you.
I've recently rejoined the job market and have been getting calls for jobs that seem to have nothing to do with my job preferences, no matter how much I refine my resume and profiles. The other day I decided I was sick of it and I simply asked the recruiter why they thought I was right for the job. They were speechless and then thanked me for my time and ended the call. I tried it again with another recruiter, and they said “your resume states that you have 5 years experience with Excel”. Next recruiter: “your profile mentions that you have experience with (insert software I haven't used since college)”. I guess the most legitimate answer I've gotten recently was that I had worked as a drafter, which is true, but I specifically mention in my profiles, etc. that I am not seeking any drafting positions.

Basically what I'm getting at is to make sure to ask why the recruiter thinks you're right for the job instead of simply answering their questions. I've been there. You get a call about a good job and think there's something they see in your resume that you don't, so you do your best to convince them that you're right for the job even though you know you're probably not. I know it can be hard when you're desperate for a job, but a lot of cold calls are from recruiters meetings quotas. Don't let them jerk you around. Make sure they're serious about you before you give them your time.

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