
To all the people complaining about tip screens as a way to justify hating servers:

The person working at that counter did not program the POS. In order to make optional tips possible, there has to be a screen for it. Nobody in that establishment is insisting that you tip. Just skip it. It’s there as an option. None of the workers have any input or control over how the computer looks. Stop calling them greedy & implying they deserve to be poor, and just grow a spine & skip the screen.

The person working at that counter did not program the POS. In order to make optional tips possible, there has to be a screen for it. Nobody in that establishment is insisting that you tip. Just skip it. It’s there as an option. None of the workers have any input or control over how the computer looks. Stop calling them greedy & implying they deserve to be poor, and just grow a spine & skip the screen.

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