
“To enslave men successfully and safely, it is necessary to have their minds occupied with thoughts and aspirations short of the liberty of which they are deprived.”

“A certain degree of attainable good must be kept before them. These holidays serve the purpose of keeping the minds of the slaves occupied with prospective pleasure, within the limits of slavery.” -Frederick Douglass Worth a read. Crazy to think this was only a few generations ago. The dude died in 1895, that was only ~20 years before my grandparents were born. Slave owners were able to hoard huge amounts of unearned wealth, through the disgusting practice of slavery, making money through another human's forced labor. Just switch out [weekend] for [holiday] in the above quote… There's absolutely no parallels to our “modern” society and what we're seeing, though. /s

“A certain degree of attainable good must be kept before them. These holidays serve the purpose of keeping the minds of the slaves occupied with prospective pleasure, within the limits of slavery.”
-Frederick Douglass

Worth a read. Crazy to think this was only a few generations ago. The dude died in 1895, that was only ~20 years before my grandparents were born. Slave owners were able to hoard huge amounts of unearned wealth, through the disgusting practice of slavery, making money through another human's forced labor.

Just switch out [weekend] for [holiday] in the above quote…
There's absolutely no parallels to our “modern” society and what we're seeing, though. /s

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