
To quit or not to quit, that is the question.

I’m an executive assistant at a large tech company. I have an amazing boss, a great team, and several people helping me take on projects that expand my skillset toward tech and finance (my short term goal to be a finance PM). I used to love my job. . Lately though, I’m completely frustrated with several of my coworkers (not my “team” who are my director’s reports, but the other EAs in the organization). Several of the other EAs are lazy, stupid, and fall through on promises. I have had to have several “real talk” conversations with my director about why I did what I did, when they have failed to do their job. I asked for a digital copy of company letterhead in the group EA chat room, and the response I got from my EA coworkers was, “what is the context for the need.” Quote, unquote; copy /…

I’m an executive assistant at a large tech company. I have an amazing boss, a great team, and several people helping me take on projects that expand my skillset toward tech and finance (my short term goal to be a finance PM). I used to love my job.

Lately though, I’m completely frustrated with several of my coworkers (not my “team” who are my director’s reports, but the other EAs in the organization). Several of the other EAs are lazy, stupid, and fall through on promises. I have had to have several “real talk” conversations with my director about why I did what I did, when they have failed to do their job. I asked for a digital copy of company letterhead in the group EA chat room, and the response I got from my EA coworkers was, “what is the context for the need.” Quote, unquote; copy / paste. What a f’ing stupid way to phrase that, and completely unhelpful. Look pal, my director asks for something, I provide it and move on with my life.

Moving on. I recently inherited a fair bit of cash from a family estate. I’m the executrix and sole inheritor, so I have tons of work to do with probate court. And I have to clean out my childhood home – emotionally and physically exhausting.

My question: do I take the money and quit? I’d far rather be running my own business and publishing my books than dealing with these dumb idiots. But there are tons of aspects of my job that I enjoy and are good for me. Health insurance comes to the top of the list for me…

Excuse formatting; on mobile.

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