
To Stay or Quit? Advice Needed

Hi friends. Some of you may remember my recent post “How do I quit this nightmare situation?” about quitting in the first week of my new hospitality corporate entry-level job. Well, I ended up finishing the first two weeks (at your advice, and I'm glad I did) and it was pretty bad. The communication issues have not improved, everyone on salary works overtime because they are so short-staffed. It feels so depressing to be here every day and not be able to do menial tasks remotely, especially when gas is so expensive. I am proud of myself for giving it two weeks and sticking it out but now I am faced with the same dread I felt in my first days here. I have been perusing job postings and similar positions require knowledge of newer programs, therefore the relevance of my skills would be minimal. I've made a list of…

Hi friends. Some of you may remember my recent post “How do I quit this nightmare situation?” about quitting in the first week of my new hospitality corporate entry-level job. Well, I ended up finishing the first two weeks (at your advice, and I'm glad I did) and it was pretty bad. The communication issues have not improved, everyone on salary works overtime because they are so short-staffed. It feels so depressing to be here every day and not be able to do menial tasks remotely, especially when gas is so expensive. I am proud of myself for giving it two weeks and sticking it out but now I am faced with the same dread I felt in my first days here. I have been perusing job postings and similar positions require knowledge of newer programs, therefore the relevance of my skills would be minimal.

I've made a list of pros and cons of this job and I'd like some assistance dissecting them, if possible.

Pros: consistent money, recession proof (giant corporation, short-staffed at my location), easy/low stress (the office stays in the office), there is an opportunity to relocate after 1.5 years, friendly associates, free lunches, good job title for entry level, industry exposure, cross-department exposure

Cons: old, archaic software and technology, depressing office, very old and tattered building (poor morale), stuck in this location, lack of structure and direction from management, no software transferable skills (very niche), no vacation PTO for a year, unfriendly director, not in the special “manager in training” program that comes with guaranteed promotion, a higher starting salary and lots of networking/training benefits for recent college grads, inconvenient commute, poor training and job shadowing thus far (it's been two weeks now), and I've mostly sat around doing nothing in the office. I don't feel like I'm integrating with the team. The person who started a week later than me is already doing real work, not job shadowing. I feel a lack of direction here and not much room to grow.

I haven't gotten anything out of training. I have been “shadowing” a coworker and all she does is click buttons between a million tabs and softwares. I've gotten no direction from my bosses, the people on my level in the office have kind of taken over my training. I'm also not passionate about the brand or the team. I don't feel at home. This environment feels so disorganized and dysfunctional I seriously struggle to see how I can make myself of any productive long term use here. There is nothing i have done in the office that couldn't be done remote (or at least hybrid). But this company doesn't do hybrid/remote.

Overall, these last two weeks have been hard. I've been crying a lot. As I stated before, I'm not a quitter. I am agonizing over this. It's soul crushing. I feel like I'm resigning and giving up when I picture staying at this job for a year. I'm 22, I just graduated college in the state I was raised in and I want to move out of state so badly, I feel like I am betraying my soul by remaining here. I'm scared of starting over and potentially failing. I'm scared of passing up this stable job because I've worked so hard to obtain a job (over 300 applications) and I had an amazing offer rescinded due to the economic downturn in June. I've been burned before: (

This offer was worse. I thought getting a corporate job like this with relocation opportunities down the line could spearhead my out of state relocation effort, but I don't think I can survive the feeling that my life is on hold for a year here (my life was on hold all of college as I did not want to be at the school I attended, and I commuted from home to build savings). I feel so lost, I'm afraid to make a decision. Aside from that, I don't see myself expanding in the coming months. I'm finding myself missing my restaurant job because of the exercise, higher wages and the freedom to choose when I work, how I work and the joy of being social with a diverse group of people my age 24/7. But I know I have to begin a career that relates to my degree, and do it now, otherwise I'll never use it.

I've been suffering the weight of this decision for days. Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you

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