
To those in the US, we need a general strike, and we need it as soon as possible.

Didn't know where else to go with this. We, the workers of this country, are facing an assault from every direction. We can no longer continue playing the capitalist game. Rights are being stripped away. Women will be forced to give birth in a country ranked last in maternal mortality rate. Doctors cannot give their patients care. Teachers cannot teach the truth. Prices on all conceivable resources are climbing. Elections are being policed by fascists. Police torture and kill us every day. Millions of prisoners are used as slave labor. And worst of all, the biosphere is dying. All this, to keep their game alive. The material comforts that we are granted (they tell us they're “earned”) are mere concessions meant to distract us in our brief, non-laboring time; to make sure we will not revolt; to leech away our power. We cannot let them dictate the rules while they…

Didn't know where else to go with this.

We, the workers of this country, are facing an assault from every direction. We can no longer continue playing the capitalist game. Rights are being stripped away. Women will be forced to give birth in a country ranked last in maternal mortality rate. Doctors cannot give their patients care. Teachers cannot teach the truth. Prices on all conceivable resources are climbing. Elections are being policed by fascists. Police torture and kill us every day. Millions of prisoners are used as slave labor. And worst of all, the biosphere is dying. All this, to keep their game alive.

The material comforts that we are granted (they tell us they're “earned”) are mere concessions meant to distract us in our brief, non-laboring time; to make sure we will not revolt; to leech away our power. We cannot let them dictate the rules while they strip away rights–the rules we chose them to protect! They say they run this machine, and think they have all the power, but this machine will stop if we make it stop.

It is not money that keeps this machine moving. It is OUR LABOR. We are the heat energy of the system. We can turn this machine off. Bring it to a screeching halt and demand changes. We cannot keep showing up to jobs that pay us less than we deserve. We cannot be forced to work jobs for companies whose ethics we find abominable because without it we can't get basic healthcare. We cannot let employers work us for 30+ hours above our contracts while paying us nothing for the difference. They are stealing from us! Stealing everything.

It's about time we organize en masse. We need full mobilization. Strikes in every city across the country. It is our only chance to get the life we deserve. Our only chance to get ourselves on a healthier track. We need this if we are going to weather the coming storm. It will not get better unless we demand it.

Please use this post to link to organizers and potential plans around the country. This will take all of us. Let's get moving.

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