
To those who cannot understand why we here in the US tolerate such bad treatment: a plea for help

If you're surprised twe aren't rioting more it's because you don't understand how disempowered we are here. Tbh we need outside help, but since our country puts all its money into the military and sticks its fingers in every other country we are pretty isolated as citizens. Most of us can never afford to leave the country even once. We don't know how different it can be other places. This is all we know. We are all dreadfully overworked and underpaid with no real job security. We have no guaranteed vacation time or paid time off and most of us live paycheck to paycheck. We cannot afford to take off work for illness or injury because we need the hours. We are not guaranteed time off to vote, and the voting system is designed to oppress minority voters and it does that in basically every way possible, by closing all…

If you're surprised twe aren't rioting more it's because you don't understand how disempowered we are here. Tbh we need outside help, but since our country puts all its money into the military and sticks its fingers in every other country we are pretty isolated as citizens. Most of us can never afford to leave the country even once. We don't know how different it can be other places. This is all we know.

We are all dreadfully overworked and underpaid with no real job security. We have no guaranteed vacation time or paid time off and most of us live paycheck to paycheck. We cannot afford to take off work for illness or injury because we need the hours. We are not guaranteed time off to vote, and the voting system is designed to oppress minority voters and it does that in basically every way possible, by closing all the polling places except those very far away because that isn't guaranteed, by not making voting days national holidays so people are supposed to find time to vote before or after their work day. Well, they are “supposed” to decide voting isn't worth the trouble and just not bother. They will “lose” people's registration and bar them from voting. Each state has different guidelines on which groups are allowed to vote in primaries. Most states are closed primary which means only individuals declared to one of the two parties are able to vote to select the candidates. The two party system is something that a lot of money is funneled into upholding because using the basic psychological principle of “in group vs our group bias”, oligarchs can easily direct people's behaviour. People support their party like rabid UK football fans and because there are only TWO that are allowed to count, there is no real opportunity for division of opinion. The reason why there are only two is on purpose and it is specifically to disempower the people as efficiently and conveniently as possible. Our education systems receive very little funding, often dependent on the property taxes in the area that the school itself is in. This means that in districts with lower income residents, their schools receive less funding. The schools are designed mostly to stamp out the intrinsic human ability to learn, to imagine, to be creative, and the ability to critically think. This makes people easier to mislead with propaganda and easier to trick into thinking this is the best there is and there's nothing better. If you try to push for better, you get labeled as a communist or socialist which are ideas that are obfuscated into meaninglessness intentionally here. And if you successfully push far enough you can gain the achievement of being assassinated by the government.

So, if you leave your shit job to vote, nevermind to riot, there comes the very real risk of losing your job with no recourse, losing your home, losing access to healthcare due to the loss of your job… And that includes loss of access to healthcare, even emergency care, for your spouse and children. Every family in the US is effectively held hostage by our country's policies.

So if you get told over and over again that this is the best possible way for things to be and you're constantly misinformed and misled and pitted against each other to prevent citizens from becoming a united force, and if you make too many waves anyway you will end up broke and homeless and you and your children will not be able to receive health care and allowed to die in the street, the ability to rationalize into accepting the status quo has become a survival tactic. And since we don't get to leave most of us, we don't get to see that there are countries that are invested in the well-being of its people. Our country is run by a handful of bloodsucking vampires and every other citizen is not a person to them, but cattle. And it's a farcical shitty way to go through life.

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