
Today I found out one of my family member died and my boss made me work overtime

I don‘t want to badmouth my boss completely, because they showed some sort of empathy and offered to let me go home earlier when I broke out in tears and found out one of my family members died during my break. There were a shit ton of costumers, so my boss made it later one clear that I might not be able to go home earlier. I get it, times are rough and we were understaffed today, but I could not fathom the audacity of some people in power when she knew I was in a bad place and still made comments about how I messed up some orders as if I hadn‘t just found out someone of my family died 20 minutes ago. Not only that but my boss left multiple times for extraordinary long “smoking breaks“ knowing damn well they‘re leaving 2 people behind (one of who‘s grieving…

I don‘t want to badmouth my boss completely, because they showed some sort of empathy and offered to let me go home earlier when I broke out in tears and found out one of my family members died during my break.

There were a shit ton of costumers, so my boss made it later one clear that I might not be able to go home earlier. I get it, times are rough and we were understaffed today, but I could not fathom the audacity of some people in power when she knew I was in a bad place and still made comments about how I messed up some orders as if I hadn‘t just found out someone of my family died 20 minutes ago.

Not only that but my boss left multiple times for extraordinary long “smoking breaks“ knowing damn well they‘re leaving 2 people behind (one of who‘s grieving and cannot focus properly). The kitchen looked like the biggest mess and it got to a point where my coworker had to make a call to get their ass back to work.

I‘m so mad because my co worker and I had to stay overtime in order to clean up which my boss could have easily managed if they got their ass back to work earlier. When I left to go home there was just a “bye, see you tomorrow“. I don‘t expect the world to revolve around me or philosophical wisdom to come out of their mouth but at least “bye and hey, I feel sorry for your loss“ would have been appropriate.

Guess we truly are just some numbers in the system

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