
Today I gave my two weeks notice at the public notary I was working at, and things went really bad.

TLDR; Today I gave my notice at a public notary, and the solicitor and his sister (that works with him) berated me and told me that they'll sue me to the ICNM (an institution from my country for public notarys) and find where I'm going so they can tell my new employer “what kind of employee I am”, and that this will be the last time I'm working at a public notary. This is my first “grown up” job, so I was pretty happy when I landed it in June. The solicitor made me sign a contract with a nice pay, just to make me sign another contract with different and bad conditions two days later, I was makimg minimum wage for a work that demanded me a lot. Then, just one month working at this notary and without previous experience (he knew this), he made all my coworkers take…

TLDR; Today I gave my notice at a public notary, and the solicitor and his sister (that works with him) berated me and told me that they'll sue me to the ICNM (an institution from my country for public notarys) and find where I'm going so they can tell my new employer “what kind of employee I am”, and that this will be the last time I'm working at a public notary.

This is my first “grown up” job, so I was pretty happy when I landed it in June. The solicitor made me sign a contract with a nice pay, just to make me sign another contract with different and bad conditions two days later, I was makimg minimum wage for a work that demanded me a lot. Then, just one month working at this notary and without previous experience (he knew this), he made all my coworkers take their holidays for a whole month, leaving me alone, stressed, and doing a lot of things I really didnt know how to do, so I had to go there for unpaid overtime to learn by myself. I thought this all was pretty weird, but well, I had a job that had something to do with what I've studied (law) and that made me happy.

Things kept going at a weird pace because the mood of the office was off all the time, until two weeks ago, when the solicitor's sister went to our office and shouted to my coworkers, in front of everybody “YOU ARE ALL ASSHOLES. I HOPE YOU (pointing to the accountant) SCAR YOUR FACE”. This fit was all prompted because she saw that there was a scratch in our tables (the tables are from the 00's). She ended this fit pointing again to the accountant: “I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU CAN BE A MOTHER”. At this point my jaw was on the floor, and I knew I had to get out.

I tried to comfort my coworkers, who, obviously were really upset and crying. I went to the solicitor's office just to tell him what happened with his sister, and he told me that he'll tell her to calm down. And two weeks went by, until today. I did an interview this wednesday at another notary, and yesterday they called me to tell me that they gave me the job. Yesterday I emailed my notary telling the solicitor that my last day will be the 24th (this is by law).

So, today I went and told him this, and he wanted to know where I was going. I didn't tell him, and he went fuming to his office. I was pretty shaken because I really don't like to let people down, but then came his sister to berate me and shout at me that what I was doing was really wrong, that I was irresponsible. This all went until the solicitor came to shout at me, telling me that he'll find where I was going to tell them what a irresponsible worker I was. He then tried to intimidate me all day, so this is what is going to happen until the 24th. Please give me strenght because I'm going crazy

Also sorry for my english, i'm still pretty shaken

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