
Today I quit my job on the spot and my boss acted like she didn’t hear me

Hi all! I've been lurking for a while, trying to get the courage to quit my job. Today I finally did it. A few weeks ago, I asked my boss for more responsibility as I felt I had a lot of downtime. She absolutely laid into me, telling me I should NEVER ask her for more work, just magically find something to do on my own. She even suggested making a PowerPoint. A PowerPoint of what? I don't know. Today she very spontaneously called me at around 11am. She asked to see what I had been working on the last week or so. I let her know there wasn't much to see, as my coworker and I were between projects, but I had been taking her “advice” and found some random things to do on my own (mostly doing LinkedIn Learnings, which is her idea of training). She totally berated…

Hi all! I've been lurking for a while, trying to get the courage to quit my job. Today I finally did it.

A few weeks ago, I asked my boss for more responsibility as I felt I had a lot of downtime. She absolutely laid into me, telling me I should NEVER ask her for more work, just magically find something to do on my own. She even suggested making a PowerPoint. A PowerPoint of what? I don't know.

Today she very spontaneously called me at around 11am. She asked to see what I had been working on the last week or so. I let her know there wasn't much to see, as my coworker and I were between projects, but I had been taking her “advice” and found some random things to do on my own (mostly doing LinkedIn Learnings, which is her idea of training). She totally berated me for this. Telling me I should have asked for more work to do, which 100% contradicts what she had told me a couple of weeks earlier.

Because of this and some other things, I told her I quit. She just rolled over it and kept talking about whatever she wanted to talk about. I told her I couldn't talk to her anymore and would bring my stuff in later this week. She once again rolled over it. I finally got her off the phone. Not even five minutes later, I got an email from my coworker saying “Boss just asked me to send this to you to work on today.”

I went all the way to the office, dropped my stuff of with HR, and left. My boss still hasn't acknowledged that I quit.

Other reasons for quitting:

  1. I have YEARS of experience in this field. Every single time I would talk to her, she would somehow manage to slip in a comment about this being my first professional job. Whenever I corrected her, she would tell me the other work didn't count.
  2. She once lectured me for a full hour on how I should be taking notes. She's aware that I'm a 4.0 MBA student. I don't need her telling me how to take notes. She also told me my way was “incorrect” and when I told her I'm autistic and it works for me, she laughed and said “Autism is not an excuse.”
  3. I recently got demoted and moved to a new team for seemingly no reason. When I asked why, she couldn't tell me.

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