
Today I told my manager off after receiving a disciplinary action email.

Not using my or anyone's real name, obviously. I work nights at a nursing home, checking on residents and cleaning is 90% of what I do here. This workplace is toxic. I've been insulted and belittled more times than I can count. I recently was talking about the economy with my co-worker, who then said to my manager that I was “demanding a better pay”. My manager sent me a disciplinary action email. I have also been put on a 13 week probation by my manager. For example: “Jack also does not fill out his duty sheet every day, so I cant see what he doesn’t or does complete.” This is something I did wrong. Compared to: “While training tracy Olfert, he told her the potatoe bucket didn’t need to be filled every night (incorrect) When tracy asked him if she was doing something wrong for me to do re…

Not using my or anyone's real name, obviously.

I work nights at a nursing home, checking on residents and cleaning is 90% of what I do here.

This workplace is toxic. I've been insulted and belittled more times than I can count. I recently was talking about the economy with my co-worker, who then said to my manager that I was “demanding a better pay”.

My manager sent me a disciplinary action email. I have also been put on a 13 week probation by my manager.

For example: “Jack also does not fill out his duty sheet every day, so I cant see what he doesn’t or does complete.”

This is something I did wrong.

Compared to: “While training tracy Olfert, he told her the potatoe bucket didn’t need to be filled every night (incorrect) When tracy asked him if she was doing something wrong for me to do re training at night, Jacks reply was not to worry, that I would never fire an overnight worker because I wouldn’t be able to replace them. This right here shows that his work ethic has diminished exponentially.”

First, the food safety course provided stated potatoes are not to be left, peeled and in water, in the fridge for longer than 24 hours.
Second, the words “never fire an overnight worker because the manager can't replace them” never once left my mouth.

There is a whole email chalk full of these and yesterday I had told her off. Defending myself and my work ethic. There's people here, drunk and working, who she hasn't even given a warning to.

Here are some more examples:

“He told me he'd clean the salt and pepper shakers per shift, when it's supposed to be done EVERYDAY!

I was under the impression once a shift meant on the day you were working, this is an example of either miscommunication or misinterpreting what I said.

“I didn’t say anything to him, as I was hoping he would take the subtle hints I was giving him and telling ana how this shift should never be sitting down. There is always something to do or clean. With ones boss being in the building with them, I expected way more.”

I was training, manager was there too. She constantly took the reigns and took over whatever task. My manager also would do the 15th task out of a 30 task list without saying anything. By the time I got to it and needed to train the girl I was training, it was done.

“I recently found out that when a resident had fallen during the power outage, jack helped him up, which our staff is never supposed to do.

“When I set up 2 MANDATORY meetings for staff, Jack did not show up.”

First, some of the residents here are stubborn. The person in question who I helped, was getting up, with or without my help.

Second, I was sick for one meeting and got stuck in the city due to a storm the other.

Feel free to ask any questions as I've left hundreds of details out due to this already being such a long post.

TLDR: My manager confronted me about some issues and has put me on probation. I called her out, defended myself and now I will probably be jobless.

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