
Today I was hauled into HR for a ‘cordial chat’.

I’ve been working at this place for 12 years. Earlier this year I injured myself badly and needed to take sick leave. Long story short my manager didn’t forward the appropriate documentation on my behalf to payroll and as a consequence almost 2 pay cycles went by before I got paid my sick leave. Once back at work I sent a terse email to payroll enquiring as to why I wasn’t paid (this is before I got paid) The payroll lady got the shits and next thing I know I’m being asked to a meeting with HR and my manager. I’ve been super anxious about the upcoming meeting and preparing notes and cross checking relevant workplace laws and my contract. I’ve had trouble sleeping and constant butterflies in my stomach. Once in the meeting, where I demonstrated that it was work who fucked up, not me, I got an apology…

I’ve been working at this place for 12 years. Earlier this year I injured myself badly and needed to take sick leave. Long story short my manager didn’t forward the appropriate documentation on my behalf to payroll and as a consequence almost 2 pay cycles went by before I got paid my sick leave.

Once back at work I sent a terse email to payroll enquiring as to why I wasn’t paid (this is before I got paid) The payroll lady got the shits and next thing I know I’m being asked to a meeting with HR and my manager.

I’ve been super anxious about the upcoming meeting and preparing notes and cross checking relevant workplace laws and my contract. I’ve had trouble sleeping and constant butterflies in my stomach.

Once in the meeting, where I demonstrated that it was work who fucked up, not me, I got an apology on behalf of the business. I was also told that it wasn’t a formal ‘show cause’ meeting, but rather a cordial chat about what had happened (epic back-pedalling from the HR head)

TL:DR: the business dressed up the meeting in such a way as to intimidate me, and when I challenged that in the meeting I was gaslighted by the HR head. I’m fucking angry about all of this and am preparing to change jobs on the back of it. My manager is an incompetent dickbag and the HR head is a slimy prick. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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