
Today is my last day so here’s a rant

Up until today I worked at a doggie hotel/ daycare. I quit for a lot of reasons, but here are some of the main ones. My manager regularly scheduled me 6-9 days in a row, I only made 15 an hour and they kept all of us at 39 hours a week so that they didn't have to give us benefits. I managed the small dog play group which was usually between 30-60 dogs by myself which is not a safe number of dogs to have solo in fact according to petwebmd “The Pet Care Services Association, a national organization that’s involved in daycare, boarding and other pet services, recommends one staffer per 15 dogs, although allowances are made for more active groups, where a ratio of one staffer per 10 dogs is preferred, or less active groups, where 20 dogs per staffer is acceptable.” Direct quote from their website.…

Up until today I worked at a doggie hotel/ daycare. I quit for a lot of reasons, but here are some of the main ones. My manager regularly scheduled me 6-9 days in a row, I only made 15 an hour and they kept all of us at 39 hours a week so that they didn't have to give us benefits. I managed the small dog play group which was usually between 30-60 dogs by myself which is not a safe number of dogs to have solo in fact according to petwebmd “The Pet Care Services Association, a national organization that’s involved in daycare, boarding and other pet services, recommends one staffer per 15 dogs, although allowances are made for more active groups, where a ratio of one staffer per 10 dogs is preferred, or less active groups, where 20 dogs per staffer is acceptable.” Direct quote from their website. I was constantly getting bruised and bit. Management was a joke. She would act like we were all buddy buddy but talk about you behind your back, and constantly gave attitude if you weren't one of her favorites. There was a lot of drama between the crew too. Everyone talked behind everyone's back. I was isolated though since I only ever worked in the small dog room. I was alone for 6 hours a day with only the dogs for company. The only reason I worked there for as long as I did was for the dogs. I formed a lot of close relationships with them and I will miss them all greatly.

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