
today was payday & we haven’t gotten paid yet

So I get paid 2x a month. I use a credit union. The day before payday my checking acct usually shows the check is pending. Then by 6am on payday (which is today) my check is usually deposited into my acct. And then once I have the money I can go to my Tandem portal to see a paystub. Well, I have no money, but can see my paystub. When I inquired with my department's boss she had no info except to say no one had been paid yet. But that was 3+ hours ago. I am off today so idk if anyone else from management has any info. And within the last hour I texted my boss again to see about an update. Nothing, not even a reply. And I have a bill that was due today. Fml. I don't really need the money but to leave your employees…

So I get paid 2x a month. I use a credit union. The day before payday my checking acct usually shows the check is pending. Then by 6am on payday (which is today) my check is usually deposited into my acct. And then once I have the money I can go to my Tandem portal to see a paystub. Well, I have no money, but can see my paystub. When I inquired with my department's boss she had no info except to say no one had been paid yet. But that was 3+ hours ago. I am off today so idk if anyone else from management has any info. And within the last hour I texted my boss again to see about an update. Nothing, not even a reply. And I have a bill that was due today. Fml. I don't really need the money but to leave your employees hanging without info is dumb as shit. My next text will be to our ex dir. I just don't know when that'll be.

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