
Today’s Interview

So, I interviewed with a group today for a hybrid position. They are looking to add 3 people to their team. I'm very qualified and knew they would offer me the position. Then the manager tells me that it's mandatory to be in office for the first 6 months and then I could work from home 1 day a week. Ummm NO. This is after she complained that no one wants to work. I want to work and could do the job from home after 4-6 weeks on site training and coming to campus 1 time a week. No one wants to waste 2-3 hours a day of unpaid time anymore commuting! Plus I'd have to park in a lot and be bussed in. NOPE. Then she goes on to say that she works for the University and has more vacation time, but this is on the hospital side, so…

So, I interviewed with a group today for a hybrid position. They are looking to add 3 people to their team. I'm very qualified and knew they would offer me the position. Then the manager tells me that it's mandatory to be in office for the first 6 months and then I could work from home 1 day a week. Ummm NO. This is after she complained that no one wants to work. I want to work and could do the job from home after 4-6 weeks on site training and coming to campus 1 time a week. No one wants to waste 2-3 hours a day of unpaid time anymore commuting! Plus I'd have to park in a lot and be bussed in. NOPE. Then she goes on to say that she works for the University and has more vacation time, but this is on the hospital side, so more pay, but not the same days off. Yeah, good luck with that! She had lots of bad things to say about the younger generation, but I had tuned her out by then (I'm a GenXer). I rescinded the job off the website shortly afterwards.


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