
Told my boss I was at work to make money, got hours cut by half.

A couple nights ago at work (shitty pizza job) we got slammed as we normally do on weekends. I was scheduled in a slot that usually just sweeps and mops before leaving, had helped with dishes as much as I could during my shift (I am a delivery driver and was out most of the night), and scheduled plans that evening after my shift based on when I was scheduled to get off (9:30, left around 10:05). The next day I see my store manager, she freaked out at the shift manager for letting me go as there were still a ton of dishes in back, even though there were two other drivers still on the clock. Apparently it stayed busy after I left, and my manager came at me with the usual corporate bs about “being a team player” asking why I didn't stay and help. I told her…

A couple nights ago at work (shitty pizza job) we got slammed as we normally do on weekends. I was scheduled in a slot that usually just sweeps and mops before leaving, had helped with dishes as much as I could during my shift (I am a delivery driver and was out most of the night), and scheduled plans that evening after my shift based on when I was scheduled to get off (9:30, left around 10:05).

The next day I see my store manager, she freaked out at the shift manager for letting me go as there were still a ton of dishes in back, even though there were two other drivers still on the clock. Apparently it stayed busy after I left, and my manager came at me with the usual corporate bs about “being a team player” asking why I didn't stay and help.

I told her I did stay and help, just not longer than I could, as I had plans and was here to make money, not give away all my time doing dishes. She asked how I could “talk to your boss this way” but this is really just a pocket money job while I wait for my full time classes to start up again. She kept trying to guilt me into feeling like a poor sport for defining it as “a job, not a team or a family” and when I told her “None of us are here for anything but the money really” she turned her nose and started talking shit to other employees about how they “would totally have stayed, right?”

This week's schedule was uploaded with my usually shifts, then deleted, then reset with my hours more than halved. I'm either going to talk to other drivers and take some of their shifts to keep popping up and fuck her day up, or drop my hat off and chuck deuces (which she probably really wants, as we all know passive-aggressively cutting hours is the coward's version of firing someone).

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