
Told my boss workplace morale is low, this was his response

My workplace (leaving details out to remain anonymous) used to be a decent place to work until recently. Our manager has turned into a bit of a tyrant, constantly speaking to us in a disrespectful and condescending manner, flipping out, hovering, etc. This has killed morale and instilled a “don't give a fuck” attitude in everyone. Everybody in my department is looking to leave the company. Yesterday he pulled as all to an impromptu meeting and said he's noticed we've been off lately and asked if we were okay. The other 2 employees present were shy to speak so as the senior man I decided to speak up for the group. I told him morale is at an all-time low, nobody cares about work anymore, we would like to be treated better and talked to in a more respectful manner. I even stated that this would improve motivation and productivity!…

My workplace (leaving details out to remain anonymous) used to be a decent place to work until recently. Our manager has turned into a bit of a tyrant, constantly speaking to us in a disrespectful and condescending manner, flipping out, hovering, etc. This has killed morale and instilled a “don't give a fuck” attitude in everyone. Everybody in my department is looking to leave the company.

Yesterday he pulled as all to an impromptu meeting and said he's noticed we've been off lately and asked if we were okay. The other 2 employees present were shy to speak so as the senior man I decided to speak up for the group. I told him morale is at an all-time low, nobody cares about work anymore, we would like to be treated better and talked to in a more respectful manner. I even stated that this would improve motivation and productivity! He told us that he does nothing wrong, that he has stressors in his life and he's sorry but we just need to deal with his mood swings. Ridiculed us and told us we need “man skin” and that there is no link between morale and productivity. Told us we should be grateful for all the times the company has provided pizza or doughnuts. I told him I would trade all the pizza and doughnuts in the world for better treatment. He finally told me he understood and would do his best to fix the problem.

Came in today and he wrote on this friday's spot on the calendar “morale boosting pizza party!”

I nearly popped a blood vessel.

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