
Told to leave early after giving my notice.

Hello, I recently had to resign from my job because I could not afford to live in the area anymore (SC, USA). I moved to this area for this job, but the same time I moved, the cost of living in this county over doubled. The wages remained the same as 2019 amounts (which were still low)… I told my company (after 8 months) that I would have to leave because they weren't paying me enough to even cover my bills. I was basically told to pound sand. This was my first job since getting my degree. Anyway, I put in my two week notice, and then after one week they said I wasn't needed anymore. I told them I really need to work until my notice date, and they said sorry, we can't have you being unproductive (there was plenty for me to do. my boss is just lazy…

Hello, I recently had to resign from my job because I could not afford to live in the area anymore (SC, USA). I moved to this area for this job, but the same time I moved, the cost of living in this county over doubled. The wages remained the same as 2019 amounts (which were still low)… I told my company (after 8 months) that I would have to leave because they weren't paying me enough to even cover my bills. I was basically told to pound sand. This was my first job since getting my degree. Anyway, I put in my two week notice, and then after one week they said I wasn't needed anymore. I told them I really need to work until my notice date, and they said sorry, we can't have you being unproductive (there was plenty for me to do. my boss is just lazy and didn't want to have to review my projects). So I wasn't allowed to work the last week. I really needed the money to make the move back home and help me start my job search. Am I able to get unemployment insurance for this? I filed a claim, and the company came back saying I “left of my own accord.” My landlord is also trying to scam me out of my security deposit. Just feeling very defeated right now… sigh.

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