
tomorrow i 23(m) interview for a security guard position at a performance theater downtown. excited and nervous

my current job forced me off of my full time pandemic cleaning position (because we don't “””need””” then anymore, meanwhile 3 of my roommates got covid at the same time shortly after), and my managers forced me to choose between part time sales floor and quitting. the new job sucks, they micromanage me and everything i hated about the sales floor is coming back to haunt me. i worked 5 days a week, for initially about $12 an hour, until they realized it wasn't sustainable to constantly hemorrhage workers, now $15 an hour. thats right, 80% of the people i knew when i started here more than a year ago are GONE so i secured TWO interviews this month, the other one as a custodian, cuz i enjoy cleaning only bc i can listen to music and not talk to anyone. tomorrow at my interview with the theater i will…

my current job forced me off of my full time pandemic cleaning position (because we don't “””need””” then anymore, meanwhile 3 of my roommates got covid at the same time shortly after), and my managers forced me to choose between part time sales floor and quitting. the new job sucks, they micromanage me and everything i hated about the sales floor is coming back to haunt me.

i worked 5 days a week, for initially about $12 an hour, until they realized it wasn't sustainable to constantly hemorrhage workers, now $15 an hour. thats right, 80% of the people i knew when i started here more than a year ago are GONE

so i secured TWO interviews this month, the other one as a custodian, cuz i enjoy cleaning only bc i can listen to music and not talk to anyone. tomorrow at my interview with the theater i will try to convince them for $17 an hour, starting at like 18.5 and negotiating down, using the current issues of inflation, many entry level customer service jobs hiring for $15 in my area, and the higher obligations than my cleaner job, to hopefully convince them to give me that pay, because I believe the job is part time. I thought it would be full time at first, but now I think I am willing to take a small pay cut to have more time in my life. It's a short walk, so I don't have to take the bus or motorcycle either. No more blowing money on ubers. The extra time is worth it.

For me this is all about working less. And for getting away from asshole managers who kick you off your position, because they're good little officers following orders, who condescendingly tell you “we're doing our quarterly raise, you now make 45 cents more, at $15.45, glad we can do that for you”. Go fuck yourself. I've worked here longer than most people here and the $15 raise put us all at the same exact amount. Amazing job at employee retention you shitheads.

The stress has been absolutely unbearable. I currently spend 9 hours a day pretending like I'm busy, because they've always been bad at communication and directions. And I honestly don't feel obligated to care.

Wish me luck and stay strong. If this works out for me I can commit more to my passions, my art and my music, and that would be one of the greatest things to happen to me

edit: thank god for my therapist. without her i might not still be here

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