
Tomorrow I’m putting in notice that I’m going to quit my job – how can I help the other employee who works under my shitty supervisor?

I work as an external contractor for a very large, multi-national consultation firm. I work in a very small media production department on a team of three – one girl who does the same production job as me, and one incredibly shitty supervisor. Our supervisor is totally worthless; she allegedly worked “in the industry” a decade ago….if it's true, it's a joke. This woman needs to be talked through literally the most simple and fundamental components of our job (basic hardware setup, using the post-production software that **she picked out for our team**…stuff like that). This would be kind of a dream job if it weren't for this supervisor – there's such a small amount of work that needs to be done, I could literally do it all by myself in about 20 hours a week. Between myself and my co-worker, we each have maaaaaybe 10 hours of actual work…

I work as an external contractor for a very large, multi-national consultation firm. I work in a very small media production department on a team of three – one girl who does the same production job as me, and one incredibly shitty supervisor.

Our supervisor is totally worthless; she allegedly worked “in the industry” a decade ago….if it's true, it's a joke. This woman needs to be talked through literally the most simple and fundamental components of our job (basic hardware setup, using the post-production software that **she picked out for our team**…stuff like that).

This would be kind of a dream job if it weren't for this supervisor – there's such a small amount of work that needs to be done, I could literally do it all by myself in about 20 hours a week. Between myself and my co-worker, we each have maaaaaybe 10 hours of actual work every week – great right??

The problem is our supervisor knows this, and instead of letting this just happen, she assigns us tons of busy work to fill up the remainder of the time. We're constantly having to do these bullshit research projects that pile up and never get used “just in case she ever wants them”. We're also given random post-production assignments to create and turn in programs that will never see the light of day. It's incredibly disheartening to spend so much time working on and turning in half-assed projects that we all know will just sit on a hard drive until the end of time, because my boss doesn't want to let our overstaffed team have down time.


So I decided to leave. I'm going to take the summer off to fuck around and work on freelance projects, and I'm going to start up with a new company in the fall and see how that goes. Tomorrow I'm going to tell the company that I'm subcontracted through (and my supervisor) that my last day will be next Friday. Then I'm going away for a previously scheduled vacation from Thursday through Monday. So they'll be getting four days out of me before I leave.


I really want to help out the other girl on my team. She's chill and it's going to suck that she's left alone to deal with our idiot supervisor. What's the best way for me to help her on my way out?

Thanks everyone!

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