
Too much complaining and not enough action

This summer, a house was being built across the street from where I was living. I was taking the garbage to the curb and a van pulls up filled with ~ 10 guys who file out with their gear…. The crew played music pretty loud during the day, but I was surprised to hear them going all night when I took the dogs out that night. Then I saw saw them brushing their teeth in the mornings by the coolers and eating outside in the shade. They worked 3 days straight and sheet rocked the entire house. It’s GA, in the summer, there was no AC and it must have been insanely hot in that house. No running water and a porta-potty. It made me think of this sub. On one hand you have a group of people that will literally do any job, work 3 days straight under the…

This summer, a house was being built across the street from where I was living. I was taking the garbage to the curb and a van pulls up filled with ~ 10 guys who file out with their gear….

The crew played music pretty loud during the day, but I was surprised to hear them going all night when I took the dogs out that night. Then I saw saw them brushing their teeth in the mornings by the coolers and eating outside in the shade.

They worked 3 days straight and sheet rocked the entire house. It’s GA, in the summer, there was no AC and it must have been insanely hot in that house. No running water and a porta-potty.

It made me think of this sub. On one hand you have a group of people that will literally do any job, work 3 days straight under the worst conditions. And they break the law to come here and do it.

Then we have people here that compare their union job to slavery. Slavery…really? You get whipped at work? Do you get paid in Monopoly money that can only be spent at the owner’s store for food and lodging? Do you have a car, a TV, a roof over your head and live in a great country that is so full of opportunities that people come to work in brutal conditions like the one I saw this summer.

I get it – it’s not fair. The companies have the upper hand and nobody in .gov is really listening, except Bernie.

Yet all I see is bitching and moaning on Reddit. You want change?

Organize a nationwide strike – don’t just clap when someone else does.

Refuse to work on Sunday – I don’t know, just do something.

I see networking opportunities here, but I expected more from members. The only action here is whining and a few memes.

Do you think the businesses are going to change? Hope is not a strategy.

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