
took the high road and it came back for me

So I freelance part time as a designer and work part time as a gigging musician with my husband. About a year and a half ago, I picked up a solo gig and took it to honor my solo artist identity. It was a beautiful themed venue that advertises a relaxed vibe with a vacation-esque environment. I picked it up when I played there to cover a friend who got sick, and the owner immediately brings their calendar out to book me through the next 6 months. I got to play Sundays a lot (which was great because that's where I shine). One time I got super sick and ended up sleeping for 2 days straight. I texted the venue a day ahead of time to let them know I wouldn't be able to make it. They send me this weird text back saying “My general manager cancelled due to…

So I freelance part time as a designer and work part time as a gigging musician with my husband.

About a year and a half ago, I picked up a solo gig and took it to honor my solo artist identity. It was a beautiful themed venue that advertises a relaxed vibe with a vacation-esque environment.

I picked it up when I played there to cover a friend who got sick, and the owner immediately brings their calendar out to book me through the next 6 months. I got to play Sundays a lot (which was great because that's where I shine).

One time I got super sick and ended up sleeping for 2 days straight. I texted the venue a day ahead of time to let them know I wouldn't be able to make it. They send me this weird text back saying “My general manager cancelled due to cold weather already and you said “Okay” – with a screenshot from someone's iphone with my name at the top, showing them cancelling and me replying “okay.” I explained it wasn't me and asked for that person's info so I could clear up the incorrect contact info.

No answer. Then they stop advertising my gigs. They literally advertise everyone else EXCEPT me. I have 4 gigs left with them at this point and in the music business, it's making a big statement to just cancel a bunch of gigs. So I decide to take the high road, let them pay me 4 more times and at least have fun with the crowd of people at the venue and get good tips.

They cancel the next gig due to “cold weather,” but let someone play the next night when the weather is literally the same. The gig after that, the owner doesn't show up at all (they have been there every other time).

Then they have this pop-up vendor fair. I am also an artist (and always like to make a buck) so I signed up. The person running it must not have realized who I was because they accepted my application. No one came to the event. I sold one piece all day. The owner who texted me that weird text was there ALL DAY 10 feet from me and never even acknowledged me. Not even a “Hi, I didn't know you also paint.” Nothing.

I play my 2nd to last gig. The person who allowed me to sign up for the vendor fair approached me and gave me a contract to sign and a W-9. First time (after playing there monthly) in 1.5 years. The rules are insane and insulting – including “musician must advertise on social media, and venue will also advertise the musician). So they've already broken their own contract. I sign it, knowing there is only 1 gig left and I wouldn't break any of their dumb rules.

This Sunday, I played there for the last time. I told my husband “I want to get EVERYTHING right. No contract breaches. I don't want to give them ANY reason to blame me for the terminated relationship.” He was helping me by running my sound to make sure it was the perfect volume. Anyway, right before my last set, he signals that I'm good to go and I start playing, unaware that the house music was still on. He didn't tell me until later, but apparently the owner went up to him, jabbed him really hard while rushing to get to the off-switch, angrily says over their shoulder “It would have been nice if you would have told me she was about to start playing so I could have turned off the house music.” I think she physically jabbed him knowing he can't retaliate without looking like an a-hole and causing everything to escalate.

Before she did that, I was considering being willing to cover if they ever had a cancellation, but now I'll never set foot in that ugly, toxic place again. Plus I talked to a musician friend who played there (he also quit). Apparently I'm not the only one they have treated this way.

2 good things recently happened where me being a solid professional and all around good person came back for me:

  1. A couple of weeks ago, I ended up booking a new solo gig for way better pay (and way better tips) out of the blue. The owner had researched me and loved my music and said she asked around and heard I am extremely nice and easy to work with.

  2. This Sunday (during my last set at that awful place), someone came up, handed me his card and asked if I'd come play at his venue solo on Sundays.

For a place that really tries to push the relaxed vibe, I've never played anywhere with so much drama. I just booked two way better gigs and I'll never have to see them again. Hope they enjoy the living hell they have created around yourselves – see you never.

[Edit: used the wrong tense at the end]

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