
took time off to see my dad for the first time in a decade. boss fucked me not submitting my hours in time. now im in another state with no money

im just pissed the fuck off and stressed. my dad lives in iran. he was finally able to visit america. i took time off work to come up to baltimore to see him with no money under the understanding my boss would submit my hours so my pay would go in and i would have money while im here. he didnt. im in another state with no money because he couldn’t take ten fucking seconds. god dammit what the fuck.

im just pissed the fuck off and stressed. my dad lives in iran. he was finally able to visit america. i took time off work to come up to baltimore to see him with no money under the understanding my boss would submit my hours so my pay would go in and i would have money while im here.

he didnt.

im in another state with no money because he couldn’t take ten fucking seconds. god dammit what the fuck.

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