
Took time off? You’re good, shouldn’t need more.

So I work at a very physical job where I am on my feet and lifting things constantly for 8 hours 5 days a week. Not only do I hate doing full-time work because it completely removes your ability to live your life, but I also hate the fact that people/employers act so surprised when you want more than one day a month off! So to keep it short I've been going through a very stressful time the last few months, so many things have fallen on my plate at once and I've felt like I can barely handle the little things in life let alone full-time work, I plan to soon be either moving to part-time or maybe quit and attempt to be self-employed. Either way, here is why am I here ranting today…. So last month I took a total of 7 days off, they were extremely wonderful…

So I work at a very physical job where I am on my feet and lifting things constantly for 8 hours 5 days a week. Not only do I hate doing full-time work because it completely removes your ability to live your life, but I also hate the fact that people/employers act so surprised when you want more than one day a month off!

So to keep it short I've been going through a very stressful time the last few months, so many things have fallen on my plate at once and I've felt like I can barely handle the little things in life let alone full-time work, I plan to soon be either moving to part-time or maybe quit and attempt to be self-employed. Either way, here is why am I here ranting today….

So last month I took a total of 7 days off, they were extremely wonderful and so needed for my mental health. I feel like I barely keep going without some damn time to live life that isn't on the two days of the weekend! So I'm glad that my employer seemed totally fine with this time off and gave it to me…

Anyway, every month I send my employer my “availability” and I will typically make sure to ask 2 weeks in advance for any larger time off, so I put in my availability that I would like to take 5 days off in 2ish weeks. Employer messages back with something along these lines:

“Yeah that won't work with the scheduling…especially with the week off you had last month, what do you need the time for?”

Like??? That's fine if it won't work with the scheduling but why should any prior time off have any effect on that? I'm not asking for paid days off, I'm not asking way too late, I'm not only allowed to take a certain amount of days off. Like there is nothing stating anything like that at my work, it is a very unnofficial type place which can be great and also obviously not great.

So I proceeded to provide alternate dates later in the month and pretend I didn't see the rest. I also did not state why I wanted the time off since I really don't see why that information is necessary, and I don't want to provide it. Like, would that change anything about the schedule? Nope. I think you just wrote that because you truly just feel that I don't deserve more time off this month because I should be satisfied that I got the time off last month.

Man, it sucks to be a cog in this machine. Really don't want to keep doing this anymore!

Thank you for reading this rant, love this sub!

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