
Total Ignorance of PTO

Edited: That's what I get for typing on my phone. Sheesh. Let me try this again. I had a cushy job at a former company. Globally known as a leader in my field, but limited in growth due to politics. So when a former boss of mine offered me the backfill of their position as they were getting promoted–I signed up. Quickly. Despite being warned this could hurt my career. Flash forward a few months. After months of being harassed over my 12 year old, deaf and dyslexic dog barking when people come to the door (I was even yelled at for ANOTHER person's dog barking during a call), after realizing I was leading a team that was messy due to no previous coaching (including a few bad hires), to being told “pass on the magic you did at the last company”…and I have no clue how. My nerves are…

Edited: That's what I get for typing on my phone. Sheesh. Let me try this again.

I had a cushy job at a former company. Globally known as a leader in my field, but limited in growth due to politics. So when a former boss of mine offered me the backfill of their position as they were getting promoted–I signed up. Quickly. Despite being warned this could hurt my career.

Flash forward a few months. After months of being harassed over my 12 year old, deaf and dyslexic dog barking when people come to the door (I was even yelled at for ANOTHER person's dog barking during a call), after realizing I was leading a team that was messy due to no previous coaching (including a few bad hires), to being told “pass on the magic you did at the last company”…and I have no clue how. My nerves are frayed.

2 days ago during my 1:1 with my boss I was asked to adjust a calendar invite. Which I did to a tee.

At lunch today I reminded my boss I was taking off for the rest of the week on my already approved PTO. I am in one of my favorite spots on earth, and enjoy the time I have here.

3 hours later I am bawling on the beach. I got nasty Slacks from my boss WHO ALREADY KNEW I WAS ON PTO about how I was 'wrong' for what I did with the calendar invite.

I blasted them back. I threw the words said 2 days ago back at them. I told them this culture of having 18 people talking about one event without including the people directly involved needs to stop.

And now I am realizing I made a huge mistake abandoning ship, and I don't know if my former company will take me back anytime soon.

I feel disrespected. First with the fact I work remote and my boss thinks my dogs should be quiet perfect angels (despite their dog also barking when people are at the door). And now this with a blatant disrespect of my PTO, ruining the few days I spend a year in one of my favorite spots.

I am lucky that myself and my partner have a good nest egg, to the point that I am tempted to just resign now.

I am meeting with HR next week but have no hopes in what will come from that.

I thought my boss was a mentor of mine. I am realizing I was a pawn.

Anyway, there is my more hashed out vent.

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