
Toxic work circle im in, starting again, already know the outcome.

Here we go again… Starting yet another job tomorrow. And already like every other time, even before starting, negative thoughts already creeping in. Im 24 y/o guy, that had like 10 + jobs, longest held job was 6 months and that was my first one after graduating high school, probably because i was still living in la la land and knew nothing about realities of life. I usually last about 2-3 months before getting eaten alive by my own mind and quitting… My thoughts get so bad, that most of the time i just leave and walk out without saying anything, or something like ” im quitting, don't wonder where i am, bye ” and that's it. Theres only 2 jobs out of 10 + that i gave notice and worked till the term that was needed. Sometimes i wish i was just a clueless person, that gives no thoughts…

Here we go again… Starting yet another job tomorrow. And already like every other time, even before starting, negative thoughts already creeping in. Im 24 y/o guy, that had like 10 + jobs, longest held job was 6 months and that was my first one after graduating high school, probably because i was still living in la la land and knew nothing about realities of life. I usually last about 2-3 months before getting eaten alive by my own mind and quitting… My thoughts get so bad, that most of the time i just leave and walk out without saying anything, or something like ” im quitting, don't wonder where i am, bye ” and that's it. Theres only 2 jobs out of 10 + that i gave notice and worked till the term that was needed. Sometimes i wish i was just a clueless person, that gives no thoughts about anything and goes to his job just because ” thats life ” and doesn't question anything. After job interview, they showed me where i will be working, and just walking in that place made me sick, i looked at other people faces, and could see nothing, just robots with no expression on face being ” good members of society ” and slaving for a wage that won't let you afford anything more then basics of life, like paying taxes, buying food, rent or whatever. Btw im from Lithuania, so most people fall in 600-900 EUR / month bracket, with todays inflation prices are disguting, to rent a decent flat where u don't feel like animal you will pay 500 eur / month atleast, so do the math if you earn 700 – 800 EUR / month lets say. Slaving 4 days 12 hour shifts, so you can live in 1 room flat and eat pourage on ur 4 days off, because good luck affording anything else. I hate everything about it, nothing makes sense, yet everybody keeps living this life, i think most people are just brainwashed into this idea that it's normal to give ur life away for a chump change. I just see that slave mindset, where they all get pushed and bossed around at work, doing extra so they get a pat on the back, they won't complain or speak truth if something is wrong, because they are scared to be fired, this behaviour disgusts me, that's my biggest fear to become like them. I grew up in a family where its me, my sister and mom. Mom worked and still works her entire life for minimal wage 560 eur / month in 2022, and although being the ” hard worker ” she couldn't afford anything and i saw that being the good obeying slave brings you nowhere, you can't be better worker then her, trust me, so that's the example i saw / see for 24 years, that no matter how hard, good you work, it doesn't matter in a basic job, u will be surviving and not living… Im not talking about 1 % where it does. It's so hard, because i already know the outcome of this circle, it ends the exact same way like other times, there's no motivation or anything to push me, there's no point with this crap. Ur not building business or investing with this chump change they pay for us workies, thats the system, and understanding it makes it even harder then just being ignorant / clueless person that thinks it's normal… I could go on and on… How you r/antiwork guys deal with this?

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