
TOXIX COMPANIES Leading interview questions….

Two months ago I quit my job as department manager after they promised me a new position, about two years ago. Besides the matter but I found out the storemanager took the position for his own, meaning a higher paycheck for him and divided the work among a couple of people, so without the extra work for him as well. So looking for a new job, I've found some great options already with nice people but I also get calls from companies that just blow my mind that these are standard interview questions. The most recent call went as followed: Hello I'm happy you sent your resumé, followed by a ton of questions which were clearly in my resume and motivational letter. I don't mind them fact checking my situation but I'm sure she hasn't spend more than 5 minutes on my resumé which was confirmed by her stating that…

Two months ago I quit my job as department manager after they promised me a new position, about two years ago.
Besides the matter but I found out the storemanager took the position for his own, meaning a higher paycheck for him and divided the work among a couple of people, so without the extra work for him as well.

So looking for a new job, I've found some great options already with nice people but I also get calls from companies that just blow my mind that these are standard interview questions.

The most recent call went as followed:

Hello I'm happy you sent your resumé, followed by a ton of questions which were clearly in my resume and motivational letter. I don't mind them fact checking my situation but I'm sure she hasn't spend more than 5 minutes on my resumé which was confirmed by her stating that she thought I was still working at this moment, again clear as day stated in the letter.

Next statement was, you know we have a pretty competitive new team so how do you feel about doing extra hours. If you can translate it like I did it means doing more hours on the regular and not complaining about it. I said I don't mind and was used to it in my former position as long as I can be flexible with how I recuperate them (knowing were she wanted to go next).
She answered with… oh.. no.. I meant that people do the extra hours for free to get the job done…

I said I don't mind working extra but nobody works for free wo if this is something that is the norm I would have to decline…
She answered with, oh it's no problem and I completely understand, I don't do extra hours either unless I'm paid.

At this moment I just paused, I was so in shock that she probably had to try and finesse me to do free labour for her boss, maybe she was the boss,.. who knows..

I think she felt pretty tense at this moment with my standoff-ish reaction.
She said okay so I'm making a selection currently, with first canidates, after this I will call you again to make a second selection for the job interview. (again at this time it felt like she was finding out which capable person would give the most effort/hours for the lowest salary.)

I just replied with a good luck thank you for calling (thank you as in, thanks for letting me know how your company works)

Sorry for the many typos and grammer issues, just wanted to get the story out there. If this a red flag on a first call already, I can't imagine how it will be if I would work there. Thank god I have an interview this friday with a company that seems to put there employers at a higher level. Good luck to everybody who is strugglin to find the right job or way of income!

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