
Tracking Quiet Quitting trend across social media platforms

Hello comrades! I’m doing a research project following the “quiet quitting” trend (specifically on Twitter). As I understand it, the trend started on TikTok. I’m struggling to track it’s popularity trends across social media platforms, mostly because at this point there’s so much content out there to sift through, so I figured some crowd-sourcing was in order. I love this community, and figured you all would have some valuable input on the subject. I’m coming to this community to ask you all where you first saw the trend, and how you saw it progress. Mainly, when did you see it seep into other platforms? When did you start seeing articles about it? What social media platforms are you seeing it on? What is your specific online community (set by the algorithms and your engagement) saying about it? Is there anything you think I need to know?

Hello comrades! I’m doing a research project following the “quiet quitting” trend (specifically on Twitter). As I understand it, the trend started on TikTok. I’m struggling to track it’s popularity trends across social media platforms, mostly because at this point there’s so much content out there to sift through, so I figured some crowd-sourcing was in order. I love this community, and figured you all would have some valuable input on the subject.

I’m coming to this community to ask you all where you first saw the trend, and how you saw it progress.
Mainly, when did you see it seep into other platforms?
When did you start seeing articles about it?
What social media platforms are you seeing it on?
What is your specific online community (set by the algorithms and your engagement) saying about it?
Is there anything you think I need to know?

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