
Trainee dyer being paid more than head dyer— help?

My boyfriend works dying textiles for a small business and makes minimum wage. There used to be two dyers but one has left, and now it’s just been him for months. They are being worked to the bone, and the business finally hired a new trainee that my boyfriend has been working with training for the past few shifts. The trainee mentioned off hand that they got a raise immediately once they had volunteered to take up dying. My boyfriend has worked there for a year and never received a raise. We found out the trainee had been being paid 50 cents more than my boyfriend— the head dyer. His bosses promised him a bigger than usual raise at the end of the year, but they are RIGHT NOW prepping for a big event and so he is working extra shifts now What should he do in this situation? He…

My boyfriend works dying textiles for a small business and makes minimum wage. There used to be two dyers but one has left, and now it’s just been him for months. They are being worked to the bone, and the business finally hired a new trainee that my boyfriend has been working with training for the past few shifts. The trainee mentioned off hand that they got a raise immediately once they had volunteered to take up dying.

My boyfriend has worked there for a year and never received a raise.

We found out the trainee had been being paid 50 cents more than my boyfriend— the head dyer.

His bosses promised him a bigger than usual raise at the end of the year, but they are RIGHT NOW prepping for a big event and so he is working extra shifts now

What should he do in this situation? He is furious and hurt, because he loves this job and has been giving it his whole heart.

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