
Transferring nightmare

After 8 years of being worked to death I decided to apply for a transfer within my company and got it. However, my current boss is holding me hostage and threatening to block the transfer unless I stay with her for two more months and then work for her a day a week for an additional two more months. Somehow this got approved by HR. I am the only person in her group that does what I do. She blames me for being a single point of failure even though she is the manager and never hired someone else to be my backup for the whole 8 years I worked for her. I really do not want to leave the company because the benefits, especially retirement, are the best I am going to get for the two-bit town I live in. Any suggestions? Thinking of just going the idle route…

After 8 years of being worked to death I decided to apply for a transfer within my company and got it. However, my current boss is holding me hostage and threatening to block the transfer unless I stay with her for two more months and then work for her a day a week for an additional two more months. Somehow this got approved by HR. I am the only person in her group that does what I do. She blames me for being a single point of failure even though she is the manager and never hired someone else to be my backup for the whole 8 years I worked for her. I really do not want to leave the company because the benefits, especially retirement, are the best I am going to get for the two-bit town I live in. Any suggestions? Thinking of just going the idle route and maybe she will get frustrated and tell me to go.

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