
Tricky Policies

The company I work at has been changing many of it's policies over the last couple of years, some of them have been silently done, some have been communicated, most of them are not posted in the company policy site. Now we are already talking about a multi million dollar company that has no standard operating procedures in place, everything runs according to which building you are in, shift you are on, department you are in… what gets you written up under one supervisor might be encouraged by another… it's crazy. When COVID became a problem for them, they stopped telling anyone when someone got quarantined and might have come in contact with you, they then decided that they would provide everyone with a week of sick time on top of their vacation, this way a two week quarantine would only cost you 1 week of vacation and 1 week…

The company I work at has been changing many of it's policies over the last couple of years, some of them have been silently done, some have been communicated, most of them are not posted in the company policy site.

Now we are already talking about a multi million dollar company that has no standard operating procedures in place, everything runs according to which building you are in, shift you are on, department you are in… what gets you written up under one supervisor might be encouraged by another… it's crazy.

When COVID became a problem for them, they stopped telling anyone when someone got quarantined and might have come in contact with you, they then decided that they would provide everyone with a week of sick time on top of their vacation, this way a two week quarantine would only cost you 1 week of vacation and 1 week of sick time if you wanted to get paid.

It's also been noticed lately that if you give them notice that you are leaving the company, they will keep your last paycheck on the basis (which they never communicated) that even though you are given all of your vacation time at the beginning of a new year, you only EARN so much of it each week and the rest was loaned to you. If you use paid time off before you quit then you are “charged” for what you haven't earned yet.

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